The Trust – our Trustees

Our Trustees combine a diverse range of professional skills, experience and talent with a hands-on, locally focused approach.

Together they are specialists in heritage restoration, conservation, architectural design and history, business and commercial management, project co-ordination, community engagement, design and finance.

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Kevin Moore - Chair

Kevin was Master of the Company of Communicators (company without livery) in 2015, and now chairs their Charitable Foundation.

For the last 7 years he was Chair of East End Homes, Tower Hamlets’ largest registered social Landlord, and he has also chaired the Hackney Society and the Conservation Area Advisory Committee for Central and South Hackney.

From 2006 to 2014 he was the Chief Executive of Walworth Garden Farm an environmental education charity based in South London and was Chief Executive of Stepney City Farm from 2015 to 2017.


Andrew Byrne – Vice Chair

Andrew trained as a Quantity Surveyor in the 1980s before moving into project management - mostly involving historic buildings. He was administrator for the Spitalfields Historic Buildings Trust in the 1990s and has repaired several listed buildings outside the sphere of the Trust.

He has written two books and numerous articles on Georgian architecture and currently combines work as a freelance architectural historian with historic buildings consultancy. Andrew is the founder of LONDON 1840, a not for profit project, that is building a 1:1500 wooden scale model of London as it was in that year.


John Baker – Treasurer

John is the Head of Financial Planning & Reporting (Research and Enterprise) at London South Bank University, previously working as Planning Manager, Strategic project manager and as a Faculty Manager.

John has worked in administration in the Arts, as Facilities Manager at Riverside Studios and Building Manager at the Whitechapel Art Gallery. He was also a trustee of the Association of University Adminstrators (AUA), now known as AHEP, an educational charity for the development of professional services staff in Higher Education.


Amicia de Moubray

Amicia de Moubray has worked for the Victorian Society and the National Trust. She is author of 20th-Century Castles in Britain published by Frances Lincoln and Saving Thanet: The Architecture of the Kent’s Forgotten Coast. She published SAVE Britain’s Heritage and Editor of a report on Canterbury to be published later this year by SAVE Britain’s Heritage.

Amicia is also a Trustee of the Queenborough Fisheries Trust and Vice-Chairman of the Assembly Rooms, Faversham.


Chris Foulds

Chris was born and raised on Sheppey and has previously been a Swale Borough Councillor. He is currently a Sheerness Town Councillor.

His bookkeeping & accountancy business works with local new & small businesses, helping and advising on elements relating to tax for the self employed. Chris is director of Innov8 On Sheppey CIC, managing Masters House (the former Sheerness council offices, situated in Trinity Road, Sheerness).

Chris has a keen interest in architectural design and in more recent years has been following the rapid development of Virtual Reality technology.


Justin Webb

Justin Webb is a founder member of the Sheerness Dockyard Preservation Trust.

Educated at Kings College London, he is a resident of neighbouring Naval Terrace and has worked tirelessly for the acquisition and suitable restoration of the Dockyard Church.

In 2010 he compiled the application for SAVE to have the Dockyard Church put on the notable watch list of the World Monuments Fund.


Andrew Deeley

Andrew is a business professional with a track record of helping startup and young businesses grow. He has helped turn around struggling large businesses with £100m+ annual turnover.

He has also worked with a number of local social enterprises and was the founder of Innov8 On Sheppey CIC, supporting the unemployed with business startup projects. One of these projects spawned the Creative Coding Course, securing funding to help young people learn to code games and entertainment apps for mobile phones. Andrew volunteered his time to this project for 3 years before handing the reins over to fellow trustee Chris Foulds.


Stuart Taylor

Stuart is a landscape architect at Groundwork London, specialising in community-led design projects and historic landscape restoration. He was formerly a landscape architect at Historic England and a caseworker at the Georgian Group.

Stuart is a member of casework committees for both the Georgian Group and London Parks and Gardens Trusts. He is also a founder member and acting Chair of the Ivy House Community Pub - London's first community owned pub and Asset of Community Value.


Matt Brown

Matt runs a local design & printing business with a wealth of skills and local contacts from which trust has greatly benefited.

He is the Chair of the newly formed Sheerness Town Council which strives to bring improvements into Sheerness.

A graphic designer and print specialist by trade Matt is a keen local historian.


Ed Barnard

Ed is a Chartered Management Accountant and charity Finance Director, with over 15 years experience of working on NLHF projects.

Ed most recently served as Finance & Commercial Director at the Old Royal Naval College, working on the critically acclaimed Painted Hall Project.  Prior to this, Ed has worked on a number of high profile heritage projects, as Finance Director for Sir John Soane’s Museum, and also as an accountant for the Imperial War Museum.

Ed also advises Streets of London, a homelessness charity on finance and commercial matters.  He is currently on a career break and lives in Tervuren in Belgium with his family.

William Palin – Patron

Will is Chief Executive of Barts Heritage. He was formerly Conservation Director director at the Old Royal Naval College and prior to that director of SAVE Britain’s Heritage. He is a trustee of the Georgian Group.

Following the Dockyard Church project completion and opening, Will resigned as Chair in early 2024. He was asked to represent the Trust as a Patron which he agreed and was unanimously ratified by all Trustees.