Local community interest with the projects draft plans
Last Wednesday, the trust held a public consultation event at Sheppey Gateway in Sheerness High Street.
In the afternoon pupils from St Edward's RC, Rose Street, Westminster primary school and Oasis Academy, studied designs and gave their ideas and comments as to what they would like to see the building become.
In the evening Hugh Broughton from Hugh Broughton Architects presented plans and design ideas to members of the public. This followed with questions from the floor and more informal talks with some of the trustees that where also in attendance.
People still have the opportunity to put their views across by completing a comment card at the display which is still running at Sheppey Gateway until Friday 18th May 2018.
Primary school pupils are shown the designs
The pupils are ready to post their comments
Hugh Broughton presents plans to the community
Informal discussions between the community and trustees
Some feedback so far